Artwork #4

Are there ever art pieces you complete but they just feel all wrong? They may never be displayed proudly on the wall. Once the paint has dried you find them a place to dull their contrasts in cupboards and make friends with spiders.

This was one of those pieces.

You might ask why I posted a piece of artwork I didn’t necessarily like? It is a nudging reminder that we are only human, things go wrong sometimes and we have no idea how to fix them. I am not suggesting, however, that you hide these issues in the cupboard with the canvases.


This is a scheduled post as I am currently Out of Office and will return part-way through August. I will be travelling to some remote places, so finding an internet connection may be difficult. Although I may not reply to your comments immediately, please know that I value and appreciate every one of them, and look forward to reading and replying on my return.

35 thoughts on “Artwork #4”

      1. If art were music, then the rhythm is wrong, if that makes sense. It does not feel to knit together as an image for me.

        Honestly, I cannot remember what I had in mind when I painted it as it was a few years ago, but I do know it was a very stressful time of my life so it is possibly a representation of the negative blue emotions I was feeling versus the positive bright tranquil relaxed mindset I wished to be in. Perhaps I felt I was chasing this and never achieving it, dreamlike. I imagine the sea monster-type creature was how I saw my situation.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, your comment has just blown me away. I am not sure what to say. No I am definitely not a renowned artist 🙂 I aspire to little more than finger painting, so I am delighted you like this piece. Thank you so much for this comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, these are so good! I love your sketches and think you are extremely talented. Have you tried approaching a political magazine with them? You never know, they may commission you for one sketch a month or something.


  1. I like it. I see a large winged predator swooping down to grab an octopus from the swirling surf. Of course, I had a pot gummie last night, so I might still be under the influence.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have missed you too! 💜 no need to share blood shots though, I am not sure if I have contracted Malaria or not yet! carrots are much appreciated though😆🙃

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not the BUNNIES!!! Speak quietly in case they hear us. They are so timid. Hell yes, rum runners and a few margaritas! I will bring lactase tablets for the cake!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Its beautiful. But what is beautiful to me may not be satisfactory to the artist and vice versa. Sometimes the key to learning is the dissatisfaction. It fuels the artist for further creation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is true, but I fear that some artists are never happy with their creations and spend their lives pushing for the masterpiece they know is lurking inside but they may never recognise in themselves. Perfectionism can lead to a very unsatisfying existence.

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      1. I know…. I know…. It hurts sometimes, that what I saw with my mind’s eye was not well represented with my hands. If you have some free time, listen to a piece by Tartini, I forgot the name of the piece, but it featured the Devil playing Violin near a dying person…. Dissatisfaction reminds me of this music composition

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is very beautifully put. Yes, let me know where I can find that. I would love to see it. Sadly, creative people, by their nature are often overly self critical. It is not good.

        Liked by 1 person

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